Here are a few tips that may help you prevent a water damage leak in your seasonal home.
- If you own a seasonal home and you only come to the Poconos in the spring or summer months get your home winterized. Just turning the water off at the main sometimes is not good enough. Hire a professional plumber to winterize your lines, emptying all the water. Even though the water is turned off even a small amount of water left in the lines in your home could freeze and cause a lot of damage.
- Purchase RV antifreeze for all your P traps in your sinks, toilet tanks and bowls. Weve seen many instances where ceramic toilets have cracked and caused and a huge mess.
- Make sure your supply lines to you washing machine, dishwasher, ice maker, any appliance that requires a water line, make sure these are check on regularly.
- If you have a basement or crawlspace and there’s a sump pump installed it would be a good idea to have a battery back pump installed in case of a power outage. Ground water can do just as much damage if not more than a pipe break or appliance failure.
- These tips can be used in any home or business, be proactive, make a check list of all the important areas of your home and check on these areas regularly. If you have any questions regarding this topic or anything related to water or mold reach out to Dry-ngo L.L.C.
Ask Yourself…
- Are You feeling overwhelmed and concerned about your Water Damage situation?
- Have you tried everything to try and stop the water intrusion in your basement?
- Are you tired of mopping up water from every rain storm?
- Is your wet basement destroying your home and its resale value?
- Do you have a musty smell or see visible mold growth?
- Have you had your basement “Waterproofed”-but it still leaks?