5 quick tips on how to keep your basement dry.
1: Check the exterior of your home. There are many clues one can look for in-order to spot a potential problem. Slope of landscape near home,
2: Proper gutters and drainage. Down spouts should be at least 5 to 10 feet away from home. If you have an underground drainage system, make sure it’s working correctly. Just because there’s a down spout going into a pipe in the ground don’t trust that’s its working correctly until you check it.
3: Cracks in the foundation. Check for cracking or cracked parging that could potentially cause water intrusion issues.
4: Bilco area if you have one. Are the doors properly sealed. Seems like a simple concept but most of the time gets overlooked.
5: Sump Pumps…. And yes I know you have one already and it works fine. The truth is most of the time either the basin is not deep enough to catch the volume of water, the basin is not perforated, or you have the wrong pump in there with no check valve to name just a few potential issues.
If you are experiencing any one of these issues or something else Waterproofing, Mold and Crawlspace related get in touch with Dry-ngo L.L.C. We have the knowledge and experience to first pinpoint the issue, correct the problem and most importantly provide a prevention plan.